Job Region » Norway

Best Pilot Jobs in Norway

Norse pilot jobs -

B787 Typerated and Non-typerated First Officer

Norse is building a sustainable airline. Joining Team Norse is more than getting a job. It is all about belonging. In Norse we believe partnership with Unions will be key to our success.
Norse Atlantic Airways is recruiting First Officers to fly our Boeing 787 Dreamliners on transatlantic routes for our crew bases OSL, LGW and CDG. 

You will have the chance to be part of a great team, working together to build one of the most exciting and sustainable new airlines.

Both typerated and non-typerated applicants are welcome to apply. If you have previously applied for a First Officer-position for OSL, CDG or LGW, there is no need to re-apply.


  • Hold a current Class One Medical Certificate
  • Minimum 1,500 hours total flight time
  • For a UK basing, hold a UK ATPL and have the right to work and reside in the United Kingdom without additional approvals
  • For an EU basing, hold an EASA ATPL and have the right to work and reside in the EU without additional approvals
  • Completed transfer of EASA license before start of employment to either Norway, Denmark, Sweden, or Ireland
  • Hold an ICAO level 5 (or greater) English Language Proficiency certificate
  • Hold a valid LPC on an aircraft above 50,000kg before start of employment

We offer

  • The possibility of being part of a great team, working together to build one of the most exciting and sustainable new airlines
  • Fly one of the most efficient and modern aircraft in the world
  • Exciting route network
  • Friendly and safe working environment

Your cover letter

We’d like to learn more about your personality and how you align within the Norse culture. As such, please answer the following questions in your cover letter (max 200 words per question).

  • Why Norse?
  • If you started an airline, what culture would you like to see?
  • How would you build that culture?

Deadline cover letter: 10 days after you submit your application

Please check your inbox and junk folder for emails from us (they may come from You should receive two immediately after you have applied. If in doubt about the validity of an email you have received, please contact chat-support.

If any other questions are not answered in our FAQ, send your question to

Department: Flight Crew

Role: Pilot

Locations: Oslo, London, Paris, Stockholm

Location: Norway

Norse pilot jobs -

B787 Typerated and Non-typerated Captain

Norse is building a sustainable airline. Joining Team Norse is more than getting a job. It is all about belonging. In Norse we believe partnership with Unions will be key to our success.
Norse Atlantic Airways is recruiting Direct Entry Captains to fly our Boeing 787 Dreamliners on transatlantic routes for our crew bases OSL, LGW and CDG.

You will have the chance to be part of a great team, working together to build one of the most exciting and sustainable new airlines.

Both typerated and non-typerated applicants are welcome to apply. If you have previously applied for a Captain-position for OSL, CDG or LGW, there is no need to re-apply.


  • Minimum 2,500 hours PIC flight time (preferably on aircraft above 50,000kg)
  • Hold a current Class One Medical Certificate
  • For an EU basing, hold an EASA ATPL and have the right to work and reside in the EU without additional approvals
  • Completed transfer of EASA licence before start of employment to either Norway, Denmark, Sweden, or Ireland
  • Hold an ICAO level 5 (or greater) English Language Proficiency certificate
  • Hold a valid LPC on an aircraft above 50,000kg before start of employment

We offer

  • The possibility of being part of a great team, working together to build one of the most exciting and sustainable new airlines
  • Fly one of the most efficient and modern aircraft in the world
  • Exciting route network
  • Friendly and safe working environment

Your cover letter

We’d like to learn more about your personality and how you align within the Norse culture. As such, please answer the following questions in your cover letter (max 200 words per question).

  • Why Norse?
  • If you started an airline, what culture would you like to see?
  • How would you build that culture?

Deadline cover letter: 10 days after you submit your application

Please check your inbox and junk folder for emails from us (they may come from You should receive two immediately after you have applied. If in doubt about the validity of an email you have received, please contact chat-support.

If any other questions are not answered in our FAQ, send your question to

Department: Flight Crew

Role: Pilot

Locations: Oslo, London, Paris, Stockholm

Location: Norway

Wideroe pilot jobs -

Pilot i Widerøe

Vi søker flere piloter! Registrer en åpen søknad i vår kandidatbase ved å klikke på linken over.

Widerøe har en av verdens mest utfordrende flyoperasjoner. Den værharde norskekysten gir pilotene en utfordrende og spennende arbeidshverdag. Operasjonen stiller høye krav til din kompetanse og dine egenskaper som pilot. Vi er stolte av den jobben våre piloter gjør hver dag for å få passasjerene frem, og sikre at Widerøe utfører vårt samfunnsoppdrag hver dag. Selv om vi har blitt et relativt stort flyselskap, er vi opptatt av å beholde de gode relasjonene. Vi kjenner hverandre og vi tar vare på hverandre.


Absolutte krav:

  • Beherske minimum et skandinavisk språk flytende (minimum Berlitz, nivå 4-5)
  • EASA-sertifikat (skandinavisk utstedelsesland)
  • Medical, Class 1
  • Gyldig Multi Engine Instrument Rating (ME/IR)
  • Gyldig ATPL-teorieksamen
  • UPRT course i henhold til FCL.745 (a) eller tidligere typerating
  • MCC
  • PBN

Bør ha:

  • Minimum 800 timer flytid, men dette kravet kan fravikes.

Følgende dokumenter må lastes opp for å komme i betraktning:

  • ATPL-teorieksamen inkl resultater (%-score)
  • MCC-kursbevis
  • Medical
  • Licence
  • Pass
  • Kopi av to siste sister i loggbok
  • Vitnemål fra videregående skole, eller tilsvarende
  • UPRT-bevis dersom du ikke har tidligere typerating
  • ATO-godkjenning for flyskole hvor UPRT ble utført (myndighetskrav)
  • Eventuelle attester

Søknader med ufullstendige/manglende vedlegg blir ikke vurdert.

Hos oss får du

  • En trygg og seriøs arbeidsgiver
  • Bli del av en stor og nær Widerøefamilie
  • Være en helt sentral del av Widerøes samfunnsoppdrag
  • Fast turnus og konkurransedyktige betingelser med markedsledende pensjons- og forsikringsordninger

Widerøe har baser i Tromsø, Bodø, Oslo, Sandefjord og Bergen.

Location: Norway

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