Terms and Conditions


This web site is owned and operated by BestPilotJobs.COM and is made available to you on the following terms and conditions. By using the site and the services available on it you are deemed to accept these terms and conditions and any additional terms and conditions which expressly apply to services and information provided by third parties.

Use of the site

The information and services available on the site are provided for the sole purpose of individuals looking for employment opportunities and career information and for employers seeking to recruit staff. You may use, print and download information from the site for these purposes only and for no other personal or commercial purpose. You may not otherwise copy, display, transmit or distribute any material from the site.

All copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights in the site and the material available on the site belongs to BestPilotJobs.COM or its third party suppliers. Use of the site does not give you any proprietary rights in such materials.

Service availability

We try to ensure continuous availability of the site and all the services available on it but accept no responsibility for the consequences of interruptions or delays, however caused. We may, additionally, alter the design and specification of the site at any time.

Jobseeker Terms and Conditions

CVs and job advertisements

CVs and job advertisements contained on this job site are provided by candidates and by prospective employers and their agents and are not reviewed by us. We accept no responsibility or liability for the contents of CVs or advertisements and expect candidates and prospective employers to carry out such verification procedures as are customary and prudent in the circumstances.

Job site services

Services and information provided on the site by us and our third party suppliers are intended to assist in the job seeking or recruitment process. Neither we nor our third party suppliers can guarantee their suitability or prospects of success in any particular case. You should obtain independent verification before relying on information provided on the site in circumstances which may result in loss or damage.

Job advertising

Site rules

We have rules regarding the content and format of jobs posted on this job site. Their purpose is to ensure that users who search the site or this job site’ database get results which are presented as clearly and informatively as possible. You agree that we may, at our discretion and without liability to you, remove from this job site any advertisement which is posted in breach of these rules. The rules may change from time to time and you are advised to refer to them regularly.

The Rules are: 

  1. No duplicating of jobs at the expense of other clients’ jobs.
  2. No gratuitous use of keywords in job descriptions or job titles. Gratuitous means deliberately inserting words, strings of words, or repeating job titles, with the intention of influencing position in the results listing, or increasing the number of page views.
  3. Job advertisements placed on this job site must be for genuine vacancies only, and not for other products or services, either relating to or unrelated to recruitment including, but not limited to, affiliate schemes, pyramid selling schemes or any other so called ‘business opportunity’.
  4. URLs, phone numbers or email links (live or text only) are not permitted in the body copy of the job description page. All contact details must be positioned behind an ‘apply now’ button, so that response can be accurately tracked. Note, only one method of response is available from the ‘apply now’ function.
  5. Each job advert must be for one job type only. Multiple job types must have their own separate job advert. The only exception is where there is more than one position available for that job type.
  6. Where possible a job should be listed for the town that will be the base of that specific job. Listing multiple locations in order to affect listing results should not be carried out.

Illegal Advertisements

Advertisements which appear to discriminate on grounds of sex, race or disability are illegal and may result in proceedings being taken against both the advertiser and the publisher. Advertisements are accepted by this job site on the basis that the advertiser confirms that any requirement or qualification which may appear to discriminate illegally is in compliance with any exemption available under the relevant legislation. Notwithstanding this confirmation, if we nonetheless believe that an advertisement may be discriminatory we may at our discretion either amend the advertisement or remove it from job site without liability to you to make any refund of amounts paid or due to be paid in respect of the posting or otherwise and will inform you accordingly.

Responses to advertisements

You agree to deal fairly and professionally with individuals who may respond to an advertisement you have posted and not do anything which may bring this job site into disrepute. You will indemnify us from and against any claim brought by an individual against this job site arising from your breach of this obligation or any other of these terms and conditions.

We do not guarantee any response to your advertisement or that responses will be from individuals suitable for the job advertised. It is your responsibility to carry out such checks and procedures as are necessary to ensure that candidates are suitable for the job advertised and have the required qualifications and personal characteristics.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate equipment and are connected to the appropriate services to enable you to post jobs to this job site.

Content and links

If your advertisement links to another site via our external apply online option, you are responsible for maintaining the links and for the content of your advertisement and the linked site. We may remove from this job site any advertisement which contains content or links to a site which, in our opinion, is defamatory, illegal or objectionable or will bring this job site into disrepute.

You will indemnify us from and against any claims or liability arising from content or links contained in your advertisements.

Third party sites

Vacancies you post on this job site may also appear on third party recruitment web sites pursuant to agreements from time to time between this job site and the proprietors of such web sites.

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